Sunday 10 February 2013

With All Your Heart, Flow With The Times


My name is Josephine Chan. My students know me more affectionately as Jo from Surya Yoga. I started Surya Yoga close to 8 years ago and I feel rather blessed that the Surya Yoga family community has grown and still continues to grow. I had a vision when I started Surya Yoga years ago. That vision has grown, just as how I have grown personally through pursuing my dreams and love for yoga. If you could spare a minute or two, do indulge me or perhaps even humor me, and listen to what I humbly have to say.
"There is a yogi in everyone - even for those who think that it is not possible."

There is a misconception that a yogi (a person that practices yoga) has to have extraordinary traits. Extraordinary in what way? Some say they must be pure at heart, almost close to being a saint. It is a great honor to be associated with such a generalization but in truth, I believe that yogis, in essence are truly normal day to day human beings, you and me. You do not need to belong to a certain race, religion or even job description. There is a yogi in everyone - even for those who think that it is not possible.
 "These traits I have may seem like flaws, but they are strengths as well in their own right."
Another misconception is that yogis have life all figured out. That we have reached some form of spiritual enlightenment or at least, know ourselves inside out. Truth is, I'm actually rather hot headed and stubborn and by no means, have myself all figured out. It makes me, 'me'. These traits I have may seem like flaws, but they are strengths as well in their own right. Perhaps I look at things a little differently?
"What does all of this have to do with yoga? or at least what it means to me? One word - awareness." 
"We must learn to be better versions, NOT PERFECT versions of ourselves."
I do not want to change who I am. This is me. Hot headed and firey! I am a yogi, an instructor, a business owner, a mother, a sister, a wife, a friend and yes, even gladly call myself a Malaysian. What does all of this have to do with yoga? or at least what it means to me? One word - awareness. I am aware of my flaws, I am aware of my strengths. That makes me a yogi at heart. I do not yearn to be someone I am not. I do not have dreams to be someone else. If anything, I purely just want to be a better version of who I already am. We must learn to be better versions, NOT PERFECT versions of ourselves.

To me a modern day yogi, is one with much awareness. They are purposeful in everything they do, put much thought behind their words and actions and flow with the times. If you carry a LV handbag and sip on cafe' lattes at Starbucks, that doesn't make you any less of a yogi than the generalized slipper wearing, organic food loving, flexible, skinny nature lover. Yoga in some ways, is not a lifestyle and definitely not a trend. It's what you make of it.

"Awareness can come from many other ways, this is just how it came to me."

I believe strongly in meditation. It helps me find awareness, of not only myself but of life and everyone around me. It calms me and allows me to detach from myself. I am actually able to look at myself as a 3rd person. In short, I'm looking in on me. That's how I gained my perspective on life. That's how I am learning to be a better version of me. Many get trapped in their own minds, unable or unwilling to break free from themselves. They cage themselves into stereotypes. Yoga brought me awareness. Awareness can come from many other ways, this is just how it came to me.
"These whispers, I will honestly admit, that they are true."
Often, I do hear a whisper or two that Surya Yoga has become commercialized, that we no longer and have not even stayed true to what yoga originally is all about. We, as some have said, put finances first. These whispers, I will honestly admit, that they are true. Yes. I have put importance to financial stability. I am practical in that sense. Money may not make the world go round, but it definitely helps me provide for others, it helps me continue to teach yoga to those who want to learn (but perhaps, at times, afraid to) and yes, it helps me build on my dreams further. What is my dream? My ultimate dream is to start a yoga retreat center in Malaysia. I hope to earn a living doing what I love.  

"Putting labels is another form of judgement." 
"As life brings you through rough waters, we sway, bend, swirl and adapt with the flow of the water."
I am a modern day yogi. I flow with the times. Must life be so inflexible? That I cannot be both yogi and business woman? Putting labels is another form of judgement. I am not confined to only one thing or term. To me, life is really like a flowing river. Yogis are but leaves, tiny tiny leaves flowing along the river bank. As life brings you through rough waters, we sway, bend, swirl and adapt with the flow of the water. That is what a yogi truly means to me. I keep Surya Yoga up with the times. I adapt it to current day health concerns even though many would call me superficial. Why go against the flow? Why beat at the rhythm of another drum? 

Flow with the times. 
Live life in moderation.
Be the best version of you, and not somebody else.

"Sometimes, it's best to flow than fight the river of life."

This is no publicity stunt or tactic. 

It's just me. Jo Chan. Writing from the heart. 

Till next time.



  1. Standing Ovation !!! Applause Applause......

  2. crouching tiger08/02/2013, 09:10

    Brilliantly written Jo! you made much sense and I like the way you think. I think it's normal for people to have opinions and criticisms for each other. It's good that you are standing up for what you believe in Jo. Right or wrong, let your voice be heard. I am new to yoga, and I like it how you said that we shouldn't put labels to things because it is a type of judgement. Do write more Jo!
