Thursday 7 February 2013

YH's Testimonial: FSD & GYF

It started out with an online survey of - 8 deliciously guilt-free salads to vote for. All of the salad choices look so good, and I voted several times, although I've not tried some of them. I was already salivating just the looking at the photos and the ingredients listed. I ‘kiasu’ly marked my calendar to make sure I’d be at Surya Yoga that Saturday to enjoy the free salad.

 "I could already smell the enticing whiff of freshly baked brownies in the café."

On the day itself, I was very excited to finish the yoga class as I could already smell the enticing whiff of freshly baked brownies in the café. Some students were unaware of the occasion thus, were pleasantly surprised to be invited to the café. Everyone was very eager to taste the Most Voted salad - French Golden Mango!  I suspect it’s the most popular because we Malaysians love the appetising sweet Mango taste.

"I really love how friendly the people in Surya Yoga are. We could chat like good friends when we don’t actually even know each other’s name!"

I found myself a seat and casually started chatting with the other people at the table. We all agreed that the sauce in the salad is incredibly unique and began guessing the ‘secret ingredient’. I really love how friendly the people in Surya Yoga are. We could chat like good friends when we don’t actually even know each other’s name! I was glad to hear that there are many enthusiastic students who would be staying back for the Group Yoga Formation photo shoot.

I was a bit apprehensive during the photo shoot. I want to be helpful but I’m still at the very early stage of learning Yoga. Thank goodness there were some simple Yoga poses which I could manage. However, there was one tricky one which I participated in. It was really tough but surprisingly enough, I actually enjoyed the experience.

"It has been a very long time since I’ve felt this strong spirit of kinship."
It was very hard to hold the pose but I really gave my 100% knowing that the rest of the group are trying their hardest to hold the pose too. During the photo shoot of the more advanced Yoga poses, I stood with some others admiring their teamwork. It’s really humbling to see the dedication of the fellow yogis. It has been a very long time since I’ve felt this strong spirit of kinship.

Thank you Surya Yoga for such a fulfilling morning!

~ Yin Hun


  1. Thanks . Really happy that you like this simple Surya Yoga family ♡

  2. Nice article YH! :D
