Monday, 10 June 2013

Is It All In Your Head?

Article #3 - It's All In Your Head

Not the person you want to be? 
Feel like you should be better, do better and deserve better? 
Ever look back and regret the past? 

They do say that today is a gift - because it's the 'present'. True enough, but I would like to add they forgot to tell you to actually OPEN the gift. That's how things are sometimes, we know what we have, we are grateful for what life brings BUT do we ever really think, 'Hey, I'm going to use this gift to do something!'.

I guess in some ways, it's best to be PRO-active with life instead of RE-active. Make sense no? Instead of waiting for things to happen and reacting to it, why not we take matters into our own hands and change. MAKE a change. 

Tired of feeling tired? Afraid of feeling afraid? Feel down and depressed because life didn't go as planned? Feel uncomfortable in your own skin? Drowned by your worries? Well, that's sure enough a HUGE sign that things need to change. We can of course, mope and feel sad for a moment or two, we are after all human, but after all of that, we really need to bounce back and do what really needs to be done. Your future is in your own hands and a consequence of previous choices. We are not victims of situations, we have a say and hand in what we want in life. We always have a choice.

We can't undo the past, but we can indeed change our future. After you've made the decision to recreate your life, you need to start with making a mini  (or long) list of what you want in life. Yes, it all starts with making a decision. A lot of us live our lives 'undecided' and go with the flow. I say, let's take a chance, take a chance on ourselves and as corny as it may sound, dare to dream.

Make that list, go crazy. List out everything that you've always wanted to be or do. Wanted to be an air stewardess? Model? Chef? Yoga instructor? Be a mother? Write it down. Imagine that you had all the money in the world and endless opportunity. The world is totally laid out for you, ALL you have to do is write it down. 

I believe that once you've written all your dreams down on paper, something brilliant will happen. Not immediately, but since you've acknowledged to yourself what you really want from life, you will actually work towards it, maybe actively or without you even realizing it at all.

Interested in what others have written down as their goals and dreams? It can be a simple as goals for the month in fact. Some call it a bucket list too. Similar to 'what I would like to do before I kick the bucket (before I die)'. Check these out. It might give you some ideas.

Create that vision of who you want to be, and then LIVE into that picture as if it were TRUE. Imagination is a power tool to success. I believe that to a certain extent, if you can dream it, you can BE it. People are sometimes afraid to see the truth of who they could really be. If it's hard to imagine, perhaps you can begin by expressing it as fantasy?

Bottom line, these steps will help create the necessary blue-print for stretching out of your comfort zone and broadening your life. So what's stopping you? Write your goals down on paper. Let your imagination run wild. You'll notice that in some way, you are reprogramming yourself. Consider this a maintenance operating system check up. Your list will evolve and grow with you. Let's all live a little? No better time than the present. Go ahead, open the gift. 


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