Saturday 22 December 2012

Surya Yoga Instructor : Lily Gan

Lily started her path to yoga in 2006. She got her certification from Yoga Alliance in 2010 by completing 200 hours of training. She trained under famous gurus such as Jacque Ho from Ysynergy, Simon Borg, Sarah Power, David Swenson as well as Danny Paradise, just to name a few. It all started with an interest in reading yoga books. From interest to passion, she started practising yoga on her own with only her yoga books as guidance. 
After sometime, she realized that reading and following books were not enough to satisfy her deep interest in yoga. She knew that she needed to train and practise under qualified instructors to fully learn yoga in it's truest form. She has never looked back since, and continuously builds up on her talents and skills.

She admits that it was rather easy for her to fall in love with yoga because of her classical music background. Through much of her reading, she found yoga to be beautiful and graceful and admired those who inspired her to express herself through yoga. This only deepened her enthusiasm to learn more.

Yoga is for all levels of fitness, shapes, sizes and all ages. Lily found yoga at the age of 35. She believes wholeheartedly that it is never too late to do yoga as long as we give ourselves the chance to do something new and follow our hearts to pursue our dreams. She inspires many to take up yoga through her tenacity and ambition. She strikes many beautiful and graceful poses and is now a role model for many to pursue their dreams at any age. It's never too late to follow your heart.

She expresses that her yoga journey will continue for it helps her find inner peace. She hopes to share her knowledge and experience to all the people around her. Surya Yoga is proud to have her in our family.

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