Monday 7 July 2014

Alice: Let's Find a little Yin-ner peace!

Add a lil' Yin to your Yang with Alice!

I had the opportunity to have a sit down with Alice just before her Sunday 10am Yin Yoga class. I have known Alice for perhaps 3 months now and the first thing that always comes to mind should anyone ask me about her, is that she is truly genuine. 

Her passion to teach Yin Yoga is refreshing and if you have been to her classes, you can see how caring and always makes time even after class is over to answer any questions by her students. She definitely gives her all during each class. So this is how the little interview went.

Q: What attracted you to Yin Yoga?

A: I find Yin Yoga the most relaxing form of yoga. It brings about calmness in a person. Especially though used to the fast moving corporate life, fast paced environment. Prior to Yin Yoga, I was a pretty stressed person. I would go for massages and manicures to ease the stress. (she laughs) Once the masseuse even mentioned that - I just don't know how to relax. So yes, the ability to LEARN how to relax and truly let go was what attracted me to Yin Yoga.

Q: Who should try Yin Yoga?

A: Well, truly everyone should try! For me to pin point a specific type of person would be unfair. Each individual would have different specific poses that they should practice. There really is no hard and fast rules when it comes to Yin Yoga. One thing for sure, props like blocks and blankets truly helps and fights any obstacles one might face, if they are seniors or right up to even athletes. It all boils down to relaxing the muscles. Active muscles that are at work all the time. These overworked muscles will eventually cause stress to your joints and yes, your life in general.

Q: Who generally would enjoy Yin Yoga classes?

A: Everybody that prefers a slow class, those that have particularly tight joints and of course, those that simply find it hard to slow down and relax. Those even interested in taking up meditation would greatly benefit from Yin classes. Oh yes, Yin yoga also helps with anger management. It truly works on both body and mind . If you have anxiety or often find yourself in stressful environments, Yin yoga is a surefire way to center yourself and find that balance.

Q: Have any advice for newbies?

A: Do what you can do, as much as you can do. Take it slow and easy. Yes, you got that right - Relax, relax and relax! Also focus on your breathing. Yin yoga classes will cover simple diaphragm breathing and  be open to the concept of 'just letting go'. Just focus on the basic principles of practice of Yin yoga and be aware of the bodily sensations as we work on a specific targeted area.

Q: Lastly, Alice what is Yang  style of yoga? 

A: Yang is the opposite of Yin yoga - but not better or less than. Yang style of yoga is the dynamic form of practice. You could say that the other forms of yoga taught here at Surya Yoga  is predominantly Yang style of yoga and focus on building heat in the body and targets in strengthening of muscles.

Everyone has their own preference and choice as to what form of yoga they would like to practice but ultimately, to be more balanced - practicing both Yin and Yang would complement each other .The more you work hard, truly the harder you need to accept that relaxation is important to keep you going.

Great news guys! Surya Yoga has made July 2014 the official Yin Yoga Awareness Month! Would you like to try out some free Yin yoga classes? Alice is participating and our other Yin instructors - Regine, Ken and Susan.

 We have scheduled a Yin yoga class everyday for the month of July! Deadline for registration is 24th July 2014. How to register? Click here

We look forward to meeting everyone! Existing members and newcomers are welcome to join. Do let your friends and family know. Let's make this month an Yinteresting one!



Alice's Instructor Profile

After 2 consecutive shoulder surgeries, coupled with multiple health issues, she took the option for early retirement from her then stressful corporate life in 2009. In her journey to recovery and while rehabilitating with physiotherapies, she started to look at Yoga. She first joined a 6 weekly sessions in ‘The Introduction to Yoga’ at MAYI in Damansara Uptown. 

Subsequently, she undertook the Foundation Level (1) of their “ International Yoga Instructor Course” in 2010. In 2011 she continued her journey to Singapore to be trained by Paul Grilley and Victor Chng in their 30 and 100 hours Yin Yoga Teachers Training respectively. In 2012, she attended a 1 year weekend study on The Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at the KL Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This course enhanced her understanding and practice of the Yin Yoga Meridian Series.

In 2013, she completed a 200-Hours Teachers Training Program with Manasa Yoga, a US Yoga Alliance Registered School. 

Along with her daily practice, she continues to participate in Yoga Immersions and Workshops.

Of those that she attended are :
Evolution Asia Yoga Conference in Hong Kong (2011) where she was exposed to international teachers like Simon Low and Mark Laham in Yin Yoga, Marla Apt in Iyengar Yoga, Andre Lappa in Universal Alignment Yoga, Martin Kirk in Anatomy and Biomechanics , Paul Dallaghan in Pranayama and also many others.

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