Wednesday 9 July 2014

Kids Yoga Workshop: Back to Basics with Susan Leow

“Back to Basics” 

Yoga Kids Workshop with Susan Leow

 4 - 11 years


Allow your kids to enjoy themselves during the upcoming “Back to Basic” yoga-kid workshop! This workshop is educational and your child will learn something new such as new experiences, new skills, making new friends and most importantly occupying their time wisely and having fun!


  • Introduction
  • Education on how to stay close, get along and build strong relationship with parent
  • Art Works/ drawing
  • Yoga Kids
  • Game
  • Closing Activities

Why you chose Back to Basic as this year’s kid’s workshop?
This year theme is “Back to Basic” Yoga Kids workshop. Back to Basics Yoga Kids workshop is appropriate for kids new to yoga and for more experienced ones wishing to deepen their understanding.
I like to study the reasons behind yoga practice by always getting back to the beginning, back to basics of yoga and the reason why we started, and continue the practice. For me, back to basics concept is like back to home concept for children, no matter how much information the children had learned, how fast the children grow up or how far the children go, they should still back to their own home.

Snippets from 2013 : I Love Earth Yoga Kids Workshop

However fast the children grow up or 
how far the children go, they should still back 
to their own home.

Yoga teaches an awareness of the relationship between body and mind.

Kids Yoga is a creative way for children to experience the physical aspects of yoga, the calming effects of breathing exercises

It will be good if children learn how to 
stay close, get along and build strong 
relationship with parent.

Parent (Mom and dad) are two of the most important people in our life. Moms and dads need to care for their kids from the minute they are born. It is a parent’s job to love and guide kids, and most parents will do this as long as they live, even when the “kids” are grown up and have children of their own. That means kids have many years ahead to share with their mom and dad. It will be good if children learn how to stay close, get along and build strong relationship with parent.

Kids Yogs help children understand their emotions and their bodies better.

This workshop provided a fun and creative way for children to experience the physical aspects of yoga, the calming effects of breathing exercises and the soothing benefits of relaxation techniques. Yoga teaches an awareness of the relationship between body and mind. The awareness benefits children from the earliest of ages, so that they can understand their emotions and their bodies. This workshop encourages learning and developing new skills, guide the children on the basic concept of get along and build strong relationship with parents, and most of all, having fun!

Thanks and regards,
Susan Leow

Check out our lil' poster. 
Yes, that's me and my little one, Allen!
More info at

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